How Should We Understand “Making an Impact”

How Should We Understand “Making an Impact”

EXPOSE  |  You = Unique Influence

“The unique combination of your gifts, talents, experiences and opportunities equips you to lead and influence those around you unlike anyone else.” – Jenni Catron

EXPLORE  |  Drip.  Ripple.

Tony Robbins was recently in Chicago.  Over 3 1/2 days, he promised to help you learn how to “unleash the power within.”  I didn’t go, but just the phrase alone I think best describes how most articles and presentations communicate what it is to “make an impact.”

There is this idea that either the earth, or the sky–or both, opens up and leaves an indelible mark on many.  In other words, it can’t be considered an impact unless it reverberates across the internet, you publish a book, and then fill a year’s worth of speaking engagements.

While Tony can be quite persuasive and inspiring, I have come to believe that making an impact is more in line with Jenni’s quote above.  In fact, if it’s true, then it reveals a pretty straightforward equation: Are you unique? Yes.  Are there people around you? Yes.  A week long hype fest to unleash something?  Not required.

John Maxwell seems to support this line of thinking in his article, 7 Factors that Influence Influence.  Making an impact is more aptly described as influence, and is made possible by our carrying forward and exercising an accumulation of development and wisdom from our experiences in close proximity to others.

Does a drip worry about the size ripple it will make?  I’m pretty sure that “making an impact” doesn’t even cross its little mind.  It’s something that happens naturally. What matters most is that it dripped.  And if it desires to continue to have a rippling effect, it just needs to keep dripping.

EXECUTE  | Stop Trippin’, and Start Drippin’

“Learn how to unleash the drip within you.”  I know, not quite the appeal of a Tony Robbins conference.  But there are a few things that might help you see your way through to, and remained unhindered in, sharing your life, wisdom, or lessons learned with those around you.

Face Fear.

We face our greatest fear at the threshold of our greatest opportunity to make an impact.” – Jenni Catron

Sometimes, the fear is most overwhelming because the opportunity is so ripe for you “to drip.”  Those around you are so needing your “unique combination.”  Remember, the size of the ripple doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you share your life, speak the works, reach out, step up, lend a hand, or whatever the situation calls for.

Compare Not.

“Comparison twists what should be unique about us into something that we are either grossly dissatisfied with or disproportionately proud of.” – Jenni Catron

Comparing ourselves to others could keep us from expressing ourselves precisely the way someone might need to see us.  In a sense, we’re letting someone else interfere with the weight and timing of “our drip.”

Stay Healthy.

Pat Lencioni is the founder of The Table Group, and his company provides leadership and management consultation.  He is big into creating healthy teams, and subscribes to the idea that “the healthier a leader is, the healthier the team will be.”  This also plays out in our lives as individuals.  We can easily undermine the effect our ripple will have when we’re not at our best.  Take care of yourself so you can take care of those around you.

Rock What You Got.

You are unique.  You need to be you.  Others need you to be you.  It’s when we try to rock what we don’t have, or wish we did, that the ripple gets all messed up–or doesn’t happen at all.  Accepting who we are can also help with timing.  I know I find myself waiting for “things to change” before I decide to make a move.

Think Proximity.

Jenni reminds us that we’re surrounded by people.  We need to think of where we are and who’s around us, rather than how far we’ll reach.  It may mean affecting one person, in a big way, rather than many people in smaller ways.

In God’s economy, results are not up to us.  We’re not on the hook for outcomes. Just as a ripple is a natural by-product of a drip, your unique combination + the people around you = unique influence.

Drip.  Consistently and persistently.

Further Reading:

The ripple effect of our leadership influence

7 factors that influence influence

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

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