a king's throne room

Observations from 1 Kings 1-11: Solomon’s Missteps, Misuses, and Just Plain Misses

Wisdom In All Things Special Series

If we are going to have a good understanding of biblical wisdom, it certainly should include a close look at the life of King Solomon. The second wisest person to have ever lived, he was wise in all his ways–until he wasn’t. So, he is both a good example of understanding and applying wisdom, and a good example of not understanding or applying wisdom.

There is a great deal to be said about asking for wisdom–from God–before we do anything else. But as is the case with all of us, including even the wisest man that ever lived, knowing something and doing it are often very different things.  As we’ll see with Solomon, a divided heart can have devastating consequences.

In many ways, we are a lot like Solomon. Though we will never be a king, we have been given a “kingdom” of sorts, for which, we are not to rule, but are responsible to care for and influence properly. Doing so requires God’s wisdom.

As we observe 1 Kings 1-11 in this special series, we’ll want to seek the answers to these three key questions: 

  • Am I stepping out in faith such that I require God’s wisdom?
  • How do I keep from having a divided heart?
  • How should I manage/steward the “kingdom” I have been given?

Part 1: Ask for Wisdom as Solomon Asked for Wisdom

Asking for wisdom is necessary, but asking the right person is crucial. King Solomon’s demonstrates for us that we should not only be willing, but that we ask for wisdom from the right person.

Part 2: The Rise and Fall of Solomon

The rise and fall of Solomon centers on how a divided heart can destroy a kingdom. It is imperative that we follow God’s ways in order to see God’s desired outcomes.

Part 3: Walk in God’s Ways: David’s Charge to Solomon

David loved his son Solomon. In wanting the very best for him, he gave his son–and us–the wisest counsel a person could ever give to someone they cared about. To realize the potential of what God has called us to be, we must heed the charge that David gives his son Solomon: walk in God’s ways.

Part 4: Solomon’s “Missteps” as King

Solomon’s first missteps as king are a reminder to us that our obedience cannot be partial. When that is the case, our hearts become divided and our lives a contradiction to what exercising God’s power and wisdom truly looks like.

Part 5: Solomon Makes His Request for Wisdom

Solomon’s request of God for wisdom teaches us that more important than asking good questions is that we ask the right questions of the right person. Solomon made two very important requests of God and did so after properly positioning his heart to receive God’s response.

Part 6: The Kind of Request that Pleases God

While God is capable of granting our every request, He is especially pleased to grant our request for discernment and understanding. Solomon first worships God before humbly approaching Him to ask not for fame and fortune, but to know right and wrong so that he may lead God’s people honorably.

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto on Unsplash

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